RECODA briefs LCDA on its transformational journey
It’s about organisational change and getting the right people. RECODA’s corporate services management, in a briefing to Land Custody and Development Authority (LCDA) Holdings Sdn Bhd, spoke about how the statutory body is undergoing a restructuring in order to carry out its expanded roles, which cover promoting investment to the SCORE region, implementing infrastructure projects and creating job opportunities.
“We put in place a comprehensive organisation structure, rewards philosophy, and performance management & talent framework,” said RECODA Corporate Services Division Director Dr Hadysyam Junaidi, who accompanied Human Resource Head Sabrina Razali in a Zoom video conference with LCDA Deputy CEO Wan Abu Bakar Wan Hamid and HR Senior Manager Haizawati Fadillah Hamzah.
RECODA’s restructuring and new scheme of service, which kicked off last May, was to ensure expeditious and efficient mobilisation projects as well to service clients and investors of the SCORE region, which spans a total area exceeding 100,000km², or 80% the land area of Sarawak.
To handle the increased workload, RECODA also embarked on a recruitment drive to attract, motivate and retain talents under a remuneration scheme modelled after the corporate sector. The new scheme also de-centralised authority and improved efficiency and clarity in terms of the roles of officers within RECODA.