A momentous event unfolded at a meaningful handover ceremony for the five participants of Projek Kraftangan Membuat Tikar Tradisional. They are now equipped with tools for crafting traditional floor mats and ready to meet the demand for colourful handicraft floor mats.

May the implementation of this initiative bring not only happiness but also foster increased productivity and boost the economic well-being of the rural communities nestled within Bukit Mabong District. This initiative is part of the COMMUNITY@SCORE socio-economic program under RECODA, facilitated by the Bukit Mabong District Office.

The joyous moment was further enhanced by the presence of ADUN N64 Baleh, YB Nicholas Kudi Jantai, and Mr. Joseph Belayong Punan, the Regional Director of Upper Rajang Development Agency (URDA).

Also present was the representative of YB Datuk Wilson Ugak Kumbong, MP P216 Hulu Rajang/Deputy Minister of Digital.


Hari yang amat bermakna bagi lima peserta Projek Kraftangan Membuat Tikar Tradisional yang kini menerima kelengkapan untuk membuat tikar tradisional.

Majlis penyerahan peralatan tersebut berlangsung hari ini dan disaksikan oleh ADUN N64 Baleh, YB Nicholas Kudi Jantai.

Turut hadir, Pengarah Wilayah Upper Rajang Development Agency (URDA), Encik Joseph Belayong Punan.

Semoga projek ini membawa keceriaan dan meningkatkan produktiviti serta pendapatan masyarakat kawasan pedalaman di Daerah Bukit Mabong. Projek ini adalah sebahagian daripada program socio-ekonomi COMMUNITY@SCORE RECODA yang dilaksanakan oleh Pejabat Daerah Bukit Mabong.

Turut menyertai majlis hari ini, wakil YB Datuk Wilson Ugak Kumbong, Ahli Parlimen P216 Hulu Rajang/Timbalan Menteri Digital.