Entrepreneurs within the Upper Rajang Development Agency (URDA) region are set to receive additional support from RECODA’s COMMUNITY@SCORE programme! This initiative is designed to foster and nurture entrepreneurs by encouraging downstream activities.
The programme was handover to five individuals involved in the Projek Industri Asas Tani, operating under the Department of Agriculture in the Song District.
Today’s event was officiated by Mr. Ambrose Abong, the Political Secretary to YB Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi, Minister of Works Malaysia and Member of Parliament for Kapit.
These projects primarily focus on downstream industries, including the production of local delicacies, noodles, sugar cane juice and ragi (yeast) for tuak brewing, among others. The goal is to enhance the participants’ socioeconomic status and facilitate knowledge transfer to the communities in the Upper Rajang Basin.
Urang dagang ba menua di baruh Upper Rajang Development Agency (URDA) nerima bantu nengah program RECODA COMMUNITY@SCORE. Pengawa tu dipejadi kena ngidup serta meransang pengawa dagang nengah industri hiliran.
Pengawa tu dipejadi lalu disua ngagai lima iku penerima di baruh Projek Industri Asas Tani ti dijaga Upis Betanam Betupi menua Song.
Pengawa tu mega dipenyadi udah Encik Ambrose Abong, Setiausaha Politik ngagai YB Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi, Menteri Kerja Raya ianya mega Ahli Parlimen bagi menua Kapit.
Projek tu meri pekoh ngagai industri hiliran nyengkaum pemakai baka ngaga mi, ai tebu, ragi kena ngaga tuak, enggau utai bukai. Tuju projek tu dikena ngemansangka sosiekonomi sida ke nerima lalu mega ulih meri penemu ngagai bala bukai ba menua Ulu Rajang.