RHB Sectorial Series in collaboration with Bursa Malaysia: RECODA’s Vision for Sarawak’s Economic Growth
RECODA took part in the RHB Sectorial Series in collaboration with Bursa Malaysia | Unveiling the Future: Sarawak’s Path to Progress; Pioneering Infrastructure to High Income State.
In the first panel session, ‘Making Sarawak a Hotspot for Investments (Local & Foreign),’ our CEO, Datu Haji Ismawi Haji Ismuni, talks about RECODA’s strategies to attract investments by providing a conducive ecosystem through the enhancement of infrastructure, particularly in connectivity. RECODA also prioritises talent development that aligns with industry needs to support economic growth in Sarawak
RECODA telah mengambil bahagian dalam persidangan ‘RHB Sectorial Series in collaboration with Bursa Malaysia | Unveiling the Future: Sarawak’s Path to Progress; Pioneering Infrastructure to High Income State.’
Dalam sesi panel pertama yang bertajuk ‘Making Sarawak a Hostspot for Investments (Local & Foreign),’ Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO), Datu Haji Ismawi Haji Ismuni berkongsi pendekatan RECODA dalam menarik pelabur dengan menyediakan eko-sistem kondusif menerusi naiktaraf infrastruktur seperti jaringan jalanraya. RECODA juga mengutamakan pembangunan bakat bagi memenuhi keperluan industri demi menyokong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Sarawak.