RECODA’s efforts in Pakan for Socio-Economic Development
We are always on the ground!
RECODA’s Socio-Economic Development Unit recently conducted a site visit to Pakan with local officials to assess the progress of Phase 1 of the Basmi Miskin Tegar (BMT) Programme.
During the visit, we also held a meeting to discuss the next steps and Phase 2 applications.
In the meeting, both parties exchanged updates on the progress of the BMT programme, including fish farming, vegetable cultivation, and retail entrepreneurship projects.
The BMT programme aims to reduce poverty rates while simultaneously increasing the income of participants involved in the programme.
Together with us, representatives from Pakan District Office, Economic Planning Unit Sarawak (EPU Sarawak), and Rajang Delta Development Agency (RADDA).
Unit Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi RECODA turun padang ke Pakan bagi meninjau perkembangan Fasa 1 Program Basmi Miskin Tegar (BMT) bersama beberapa agensi Kerajaan Negeri.
Satu mesyuarat turut diadakan membincangkan langkah seterusnya bagi Fasa 2 Program BMT bagi memastikan keberkesanan program ini.
Mesyuarat turut tertumpu kepada kemas kini program BMT, termasuk projek-projek ternakan ikan, penanaman sayur-sayuran, dan usahawan runcit.
Program BMT bertujuan mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan dan pada masa yang sama, meningkatkan pendapatan peserta yang terlibat .
Turut serta, wakil dari Pejabat Daerah Pakan, Unit Perancang Ekonomi Sarawak (EPU Sarawak) dan Rajang Delta Development Agency (RADDA).