RECODA 2014 Annual Report
The Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE) was established in 2008 to strengthen the Sarawak economy and create investment that will benefit Sarawakians, especially those in more rural areas.
2013 was the fifth anniversary of the launch of SCORE and whilst investment continued to pour into the region, we continued to build our network of international contacts with an interest in SCORE. At the same time, we also continued with the development of the infrastructure needed to give investors confidence in the State.
Almost 450 Km of roads have been constructed or are being constructed in SCORE. Some of these roads, such as the 66 km Murum road are across some of the most hostile terrain in the whole of Borneo. Because there are so many rivers in Sarawak, bridges become a necessity when building these roads. For the Murum road a total of 13 bridges were needed. These roads are critical to making life better for the rural communities in this region. The new roads will give these communities easier and quicker access to markets, education and healthcare which will considerably improve their quality of life.
The long term economic plan to develop SCORE requires these and many other infrastructure projects to be implemented quickly and efficiently and the 2013 annual report goes into detail about many of the infrastructure projects in all the SCORE growth nodes. Numerous infrastructure projects will be completed this year with more coming online in 2014.
Tan Sri Wilson Baya Dandot, the CEO of RECODA, the agency responsible for managing SCORE said, “It is our commitment to the people of Sarawak that world class infrastructure is a critical part of our long term economic plan so that we can support domestic business, provide a robust environment for international companies and create jobs and provide a better quality future for Sarawakians.”
For more information on the ongoing roads and other infrastructure activities please refer to the 2013 annual report.