RECODA recently welcomed representatives from by Qube, the secretariat for the Malaysia-China Summit (MSC) 2024, at our office in Kuching. The Qube delegation was helmed by Project Director Ms. Michelle Lau and her team.

This visit shortly followed the launch of the MCS 2024 Networking Engagement Series in Sarawak which took place on Thursday and was officiated by Deputy Premier of Sarawak, YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan.

The Malaysia-China Summit celebrates 50 years of partnership between Malaysia and China this year, and is one of the highest-profile events focusing on diplomatic, trade, and investment relations between the two nations and the rest of ASEAN. It will be taking from 17-19 December 2024 at MITEC, Kuala Lumpur.


RECODA menerima kunjungan daripada delegasi Qube, sekretariat bagi Sidang Kemuncak Malaysia-China (MSC) 2024 yang akan diadakan pada 17-19 December 2024 di MITEC, Kuala Lumpur.

Diketuai oleh Pengarah Projek, Ms. Michelle Lau, kunjungan tersebut adalah bersempena dengan MCS 2024 Networking Engagement Series, yang disempurnakan oleh Timbalan Premier Sarawak, YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan pada Khamis lalu.

Sidang Kemuncak Malaysia-China (MSC) 2024 merupakan acara penting untuk meraikan 50 tahun hubungan diplomatik antara Malaysia dan China yang turut menekankan kepada hubungan perdagangan dan pelaburan kedua negara dan rantau ASEAN.