NRDA takes part in Karnival Rahmah Madani and Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam Exhibition
The Northern Region Development Agency (NRDA) was invited to showcase their latest infrastructure projects in an exhibition at the Karnival Rahmah Madani and Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam. This event took place at Dataran Tebingan Sungai, Kampung Dato Lawas, and was open to the general public.
NRDA’s exhibition included model replicas of the new Lawas Bridge as well as the water supply project in Ba’kelalan, Long Semadoh, Long Sukang, and Pa’kapulu. The Karnival was officiated by YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, Deputy Premier of Sarawak who is also the Minister for Natural Resources & Urban Development II (MUDeNR) and the Minister for International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED).
YBhg. Datuk Hajah Nurlaila Binti Said, the Director of Tabung Haji Wilayah Sabah & Sarawak paid the exhibit a visit, accompanied by Tuan Haji Amat Kassim bin Pait, State Director of TH Sarawak and Tuan Haji Yusdi Nasip, State Director of TH Sabah.
Northern Region Development Agency (NRDA) menyertai Karnival Rahmah Madani and Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam baru-baru ini menerusi pameran yang mengetengahkan perkembangan projek infrastruktur. Program itu diadakan di Dataran Tebingan Sungai, Kampung Dato Lawas.
Antara yang dipamerkan termasuklah replika Jambatan Baru Lawas serta projek air di Ba’kelalan, Long Semadoh, Long Sukang, dan Pa’kapulu.
Karnival berkenaan dirasmikan oleh YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, Deputy Premier of Sarawak, Menteri Sumber Asli dan Pembangunan Bandar II (MUDeNR) dan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa, Industri dan Pelaburan Sarawak (MINTRED).