Courtesy Visit by Perbadanan National Berhad (PERNAS) to RECODA
RECODA was honored to welcome a courtesy visit from Perbadanan Nasional Berhad – Pernas yesterday, led by En. R. Mohd Andriansyah R. Ade Daud, Head of the Franchise Relations Department. The visit provided an excellent platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration.
The discussion highlighted ongoing initiatives aimed at helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Among them are the Business in Transformation (BIT) program, which assists MSME (micro, small, and medium enterprises) entrepreneurs in transitioning towards franchising, and the Be Your Own Boss (BYOB) initiative, where participants can engage in the Young Entrepreneurship Engagement Talent Programme (YOUNITY) or the Successful Women Entrepreneurship Engagement Talent Programme (SWEET).
We are excited about the potential collaborations that could further support socio-economic growth in the SCORE region and beyond!
RECODA menerima kunjungan hormat daripada Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS yang diketuai oleh En. Raden Mohd Andriansyah R. Ade Daud, Ketua Jabatan Perhubungan Francais, yang berkongsi maklumat berhubung inisiatif berterusan PERNAS dalam membantu usahawan mengembangkan perniagaan mereka.
Antaranya adalah program Business in Transformation (BIT), yang membantu usahawan PKS (perusahaan kecil, sederhana, dan mikro) berkecimpung dalam perniagaan francais, dan inisiatif Be Your Own Boss (BYOB), di mana usahawan boleh melibatkan diri dalam Program YOUNITY (Young Entrepreneurship Engagement Talent Programme) atau Program SWEET (Successful Women Entrepreneurship Engagement Talent Programme).
Kami teruja dengan potensi kerjasama yang dapat menyokong pertumbuhan sosio-ekonomi di wilayah SCORE!