The courtesy visit to RECODA by OCBC Bank Malaysia yesterday was led by its Executive Director and Head of Islamic & Structured Finance, Mr. Shafiq Sheikh Mohamed.
During the visit, Mr. Shafiq shared that financial institutions in Malaysia are increasingly focusing on the renewable energy sector for new collaborations. This shift has prompted OCBC to approach stakeholders for potential opportunities to spearhead this transformation.
In response, our CEO, Datuk Haji Ismawi Haji Ismuni, emphasised that while RECODA may not be the primary agency driving renewable energy initiatives in Sarawak, we are fully committed to advancing infrastructural development projects that promote renewable energy within the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE) region.
We are keen to assist OCBC in exploring potential collaborations with investors in the Samalaju Industrial Park (SIP), the icon of SCORE.
RECODA menerima kunjungan hormat daripada delegasi OCBC Bank Malaysia yang diketuai oleh Pengarah Eksekutif & Ketua Kewangan Islamik dan Berstruktur, En. Shafiq Sheikh Mohamed yang berkongsi tentang tumpuan institusi kewangan di Malaysia kini terarah kepada sektor tenaga boleh diperbaharui.
Ini menjadi pemangkin kepada OCBC untuk mendekati pemegang taruh bagi meluaskan lagi peluang pelaburan dalam melaksanakan transformasi berkenaan.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif RECODA, Datuk Haji Ismawi Haji Ismuni menyambut baik inisiatif tersebut dengan menyatakan bahawa meskipun RECODA bukan merupakan agensi Kerajaan yang memacu sektor tenaga boleh diperbaharui di negeri ini, RECODA bersedia membantu menghubungkan OCBC dengan pelabur di Taman Perindustrian Samalaju (SIP) untuk tujuan itu.