RECODA’s Socio-Economic Development Unit held a meaningful handover today in the Sebuyau District under the Inisiatif Pendapatan Rakyat-Basmi Miskin Tegar (IPR-BMT) Phase 2. Seven Ketua Isi Rumah (KIR) were provided with essential tools and resources to embark on transformative projects, including cash crop farming, fish entrepreneurship, sewing equipment support and fertigated farming.

RECODA is committed to improving the livelihoods by equipping participants with the means to increase their income and foster long-term economic opportunities through sustainable initiatives. By breaking the cycle of poverty, the IPR-BMT initiative empowers participants to achieve financial independence and create a brighter future.

Together with us were the Sebuyau District Officer and representatives from RECODA, Sebuyau District Office and respected community leaders.


Tujuh Ketua Isi Rumah (KIR) di daerah Sebuyau yang akan memulakan projek tanaman kontan, perikanan, jahitan dan pertanian fertigasi menerima bantuan peralatan di bawah Program Inisiatif Pendapatan Rakyat-Basmi Miskin Tegar (IPR-BMT) Fasa 2.

Bantuan tersebut diserahkan pasukan Unit Pembangunan Sosioekonomi RECODA.

Melalui IPR-BMT, RECODA komited dalam membantu golongan tidak berkemampuan meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka dengan menyediakan peluang ekonomi yang mampan dan pendapatan jangka panjang. Inisiatif ini berhasrat untuk mengeluarkan para peserta daripada kepompong kemiskinan, serta membuka jalan ke arah kestabilan kewangan dan masa depan yang lebih cerah.

Turut hadir, Pegawai Daerah Sebuyau, wakil daripada RECODA, Pejabat Daerah Sebuyau, serta pemimpin masyarakat setempat.