2024 State Development Coordination Committee Meeting in Limbang
In the recent 2024 State Development Coordination Committee Meeting (SDCCM) in Limbang, RECODA, through the Northern Region Development Agency (NRDA), shared insights on the development progress in the northern region.
YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, Deputy Premier of Sarawak, Second Minister for Natural Resources and Urban Development, Minister For International Trade, Industry, and Investment, who also serves as the Chairman of the Northern Region Development Agency (NRDA), highlighted that the Northern Coastal Highway (NCH) will be among the game changers that will bring greater trade and investment within the BIMP-EAGA and ultimately enrich the lives of our people in the northern region are through efficient and seamless road connectivity.
Meanwhile, our CEO, Datu Ismawi Ismuni, reported that the RM1.5 billion allocated to NRDA by the Sarawak Government has been utilised to implement high-impact infrastructure projects that will support tourism, agriculture, retail, and manufacturing (SMEs) sectors, ensuring a holistic upliftment of the region.
Semasa Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Koordinasi Pembangunan Negeri (SDCCM) di Limbang, RECODA menerusi Northern Region Development Agency (NRDA), berkongsi perkembangan pembangunan di wilayah utara Sarawak.
YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, Timbalan Premier Sarawak, Menteri Sumber Asli dan Pembangunan Bandar II, Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa, Industri dan Pelaburan, yang juga Pengerusi Northern Region Development Agency (NRDA), menyentuh mengenai projek Lebuhraya Pesisir Utara (NCH) yang akan menjadi antara pemangkin kepada lebih banyak pelaburan dan perdagangan daripada BIMP-EAGA. Projek ini, seterusnya akan meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat setempat menerusi jaringan pengangkutan yang efisen dan lancar.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) RECODA, Datu Ismawi Ismuni telah melaporkan bahawa peruntukan RM1.5 bilion daripada Kerajaan Sarawak telah dimanfaatkan untuk melaksanakan projek infra berimpak tinggi yang juga akan menyokong sektor pelancongan, pertanian, peruncitan dan pembuatan (SME)
Photos Credit: Unit Komunikasi Awam Sarawak – UKAS