URDA Completes Lusong Laku Road Upgrade – Enhanced Connectivity and Safety for Belaga Community
The 2km road upgrade in Lusong Laku, Belaga, has been completed. This project, under the Upper Rajang Development Agency (URDA) features reinforced concrete pavement along with earthworks, slope protection, drainage, and road furniture to improve connectivity for locals in the Lusong Laku area.
Additionally, 121 timber crossings were replaced with HDPE culverts to ensure safer access for the local community.
A Certificate of Practical Completion (CPC) meeting, which included an Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) briefing and project details, was held on 14th October in Bintulu.
The CPC site inspection was conducted the following day, led by Mr. Rudolf Bandok, Executive, Construction Management (URDA) with representatives from JKR Belaga, HAPM, and the lead consultant and contractor.
The project is set to receive its CPC and the project will be handed over to JKR Sarawak once the Defect Liability Period (DLP) ends.
Projek naik taraf jalan di Lusong Laku, Belaga sepanjang 2km siap pembinaannya.
Projek pembinaan baharu jalan konkrit di bawah Agensi Pembangunan Ulu Rajang (URDA) ini turut melibatkan kerja-kerja tanah, perlindungan cerun, perparitan.
Aspek keselamatan menjadi keutamaan dengan sebanyak 121 “timber crossing” telah digantikan dengan pembentung HDPE.
Sebelum itu, mesyuarat Sijil Siap Projek (CPC) diadakan pada 14 Oktober di Bintulu yang turut merangkumi taklimat tentang Sistem Pengurusan Anti-Rasuah (ABMS) dan butiran projek.
Pemeriksaan tapak projek diadakan pada hari berikutnya, diketuai oleh Rudolf Bandok, Eksekutif Pengurusan Pembinaan (URDA) bersama wakil-wakil daripada JKR Belaga, HAPM, dan juru perunding serta kontraktor.
Projek ini akan menerima CPC dan akan diserahkan kepada JKR Sarawak setelah “Defect Liability Period” (DLP) berakhir.