RECODA is steadfast in turning rural Sarawak into economic powerhouses within the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE) region. Our CEO, Datu Haji Ismawi Haji Ismuni, visited the upcoming “SCORE – Integrated Agropark with Dynamic Modern Farming” in Igan, Mukah Division. This 260-acre Agropark, Federally funded under the 12th Malaysia Plan, is set to revolutionise agriculture and boost eco-tourism by 2026.

Phase one, which focuses on developing 30 acres of construction, which includes building the access road, basic infrastructure, and essential buildings, as well as developing collection and processing facilities, laying the groundwork for a future where smart farming and sustainable practices thrive.

Stay tuned as we cultivate growth and opportunity in the SCORE region!


RECODA terus komited dalam mentransformasikan kawasan luar bandar hab ekonomi di wilayah Koridor Tenaga Diperbaharui Sarawak (SCORE). Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) RECODA, Datu Haji Ismawi Haji Ismuni, meninjau tapak pembinaan “SCORE – Integrated Agropark with Dynamic Modern Farming” di Igan, Bahagian Mukah. Taman Agro seluas 260 ekar yang dibiayai Kerajaan Persekutuan di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12 (RMKe-12) dijangka merevolusikan pertanian dan meningkatkan eko-pelancongan menjelang 2026.

Fasa pertama, memberi tumpuan kepada membangunkan 30 ekar tanah dengan jalan akses, infrastruktur dan kemudahan asas serta kemudahan pengumpulan dan pemprosesan, sebagai persiapan ke arah masa depan pertanian pintar dan amalan lestari yang mampan.