The Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines-East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) Ministerial Meetings, held in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, came to a close today.

Deputy Minister of Economy, Datuk Hajjah Hanifah Taib, who led the Malaysian delegation, expressed satisfaction with the resumption of air, land, and sea connectivity in BIMP-EAGA, along with the continuous efforts to market and promote the subregion as the preferred tourism destination.

As one of the implementing agencies for infrastructure and socio-economic projects within the Malaysian economic corridor, RECODA enables an environment for business development and sustainable growth in BIMP-EAGA through our long-term masterplans for the Upper Rajang Development Agency (URDA), Highland Development Agency (HDA), and Northern Region Development Agency (NRDA), all of which align with the key highlights and directives of BIMP-EAGA.

Today also marks the official launch of the five-day BIMP-EAGA Trade Convention 2023, also known as BETCON 23.

We are excited to participate in promoting our infrastructure projects and socio-economic development programs in the SCORE region at the convention. It serves as a platform for government agencies and businesses to showcase their services and products.