MIDA Launches MYSite Selection Portal to Enhance Investment Opportunities in Sarawak
RECODA, represented by our Head of Investment & Socio-Economic Development, Pn Khairina binti Dawek, attended the launch of MIDA’s Malaysia Site Selection Portal (MYSite Selection Portal) and the Malaysia Industrial Park Directory earlier today.
This innovative platform simplifies site selection for investors, providing a user-friendly hub of resources to unlock Malaysia’s immense business potential. One of the economic hubs featured is the Samalaju Industrial Park, a 800ha industrial powerhouse that is key in driving Sarawak’s industrial growth.
The event’s opening remarks were delivered by Datuk Sikh Shamsul Ibrahim Sikh Abdul Majid, CEO of MIDA, and was attended by YB Liew Chin Tong, Deputy Minister of MITI, and YBhg. Tan Sri Soh Thian Lai, President of FMM.
RECODA remains committed to fostering partnerships that enhance Sarawak’s industrial development and strengthen Sarawak’s position as a global investment destination.
RECODA, yang diwakili oleh Ketua Pembangunan Pelaburan & Sosio-Ekonomi, Pn Khairina binti Dawek, menyertai pelancaran Portal Pemilihan Tapak Malaysia (MYSite Selection Portal) dan Direktori Taman Perindustrian Malaysia.
Program ini menjadi platform pelabur dalam memilih tapak pelaburan yang menepati keperluan perniagaan mereka yang sekaligus membuka potensi perniagaan Malaysia. Taman Perindustrian Samalaju (SIP) merupakan salah satu hab ekonomi yang diketengahkan.
CEO MIDA, Datuk Sikh Shamsul Ibrahim Sikh Abdul Majid menyampaikan ucapan perasmian yang hadiri YB Liew Chin Tong, Timbalan Menteri MITI, serta YBhg. Tan Sri Soh Thian Lai, Presiden FMM.
RECODA terus komited dalam meningkatkan kerjasama bagi memperkasakan pembangunan industri Sarawak dan mengukuhkan kedudukan Sarawak sebagai destinasi pelaburan global.