Enhancing Connectivity for Uma Sambop: Sarawak State Delegation Seeks Federal Approval for Access Road Upgrade
Dato Sri Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Hj Zaidel, the Deputy State Secretary of Sarawak led a delegation from Sarawak in a recent meeting with Mdm Norsham Abdul Latip, the Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability to seek approval for the upgrade of the access road to Uma Sambop, which intersects federal land, including the local clinic and school.
Datuk Haji Ismawi Haji Ismuni, CEO of RECODA, attended the meeting together with the Project Management Division of RECODA, Awang Zamhari bin Awang Mahmood, Director of Lands and Surveys Sarawak, Mr. Galong Luang, Resident of Kapit, Ir. Ts. Anding Unchi, Senior Principal Assistant Director (Road) of the Public Works Department Sarawak, and representatives from the Department of the Director General of Lands and Mines and the Sarawak State Health Department.
Spanning a total of 4.2km, the initial project involved upgrading the road from the Bakun Dam access road to Uma Sambop. While 3.8km of the road has been completed, the final 400m could not be constructed because it traverses federal land that includes both a clinic and a school.
To address this, the Sarawak State Government has taken the step of engaging directly with federal authorities to obtain approval for completing the remaining stretch of road. This upgrade will provide significant benefits to the residents of Uma Sambop, while also improving access to both the local school and clinic, ultimately enhancing overall connectivity and service delivery in the area.
Timbalan Setiausaha Kerajaan Sarawak (Perancangan Ekonomi dan Pembangunan), Dato Sri Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Hj Zaidel baru-baru ini mengetuai delegasi Kerajaan Sarawak dalam satu mesyuarat bersama Puan Norsham Abdul Latip, Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Kelestarian Alam (Sumber Asli) bagi membincangkan cadangan projek pembinaan jalan sepanjang 4.2 km yang menghubungkan Jalan Empangan Bakun ke Rumah Panjang Uma Sambop di Belaga.
Setakat ini, 3.8 km jalan telah siap dibina, sementara baki 400 meter perlu melalui kawasan Sekolah Kebangsaan Uma Sambop, iaitu tanah milik Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.
Dengan siapnya jalan ini, ia akan memberi faedah yang besar kepada 680 orang penduduk Uma Sambop termasuk para pelajar dan tenaga pengajar di SK Uma Sambop serta memudahkan penduduk mendapatkan rawatan di Klinik Kesihatan Uma Sambop.
Kawasan Uma Sambop terletak dalam kawasan N.65 DUN Belaga.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) RECODA, Datuk Haji Ismawi Haji Ismuni, hadir bersama pasukan Pengurusan Projek RECODA, Pengarah Jabatan Tanah dan Survei Sarawak, Awang Zamhari bin Awang Mahmood, Residen Kapit, Galong Luang, serta wakil dari Jabatan Kerja Raya Sarawak, Jabatan Tanah dan Survei Sarawak, Unit Perancang Ekonomi Sarawak, Jabatan Ketua Pengarah Tanah dan Galian Persekutuan (JKPTG), Jabatan Pendidikan Sarawak, dan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM).